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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

National Parks

There are a great number of National Parks in Nepal which are definitely worth a visit. The country has an abundance of wildlife which will appeal to all – snow leopards, Indian rhinoceros, barking deer, bears and tigers – and that's not all! Many an Indian story has incorporated these stunning creatures into the tale and truly, life in Nepal would not be quite the same without them. The best way to view animals is by visiting Nepal's National Parks where all kinds of animals are protected in their natural habitat.

Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve in Nepal

Nepal is a beautiful country inhabiting an amazing array of Wildlife Reserves and National Parks hidden amongst the many majestic mountains of the Himalayan range. It is here that you will also find the only hunting reserve set aside by His Majesty’s Government of Nepal.
Unlike many countries that support “canned hunting” (defined as: The sport or practice of killing animals that have been bred in captivity for the sole purpose of trophy hunting by international tourists), the Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve has set aside a dedicated area where only certain “wild” species are allowed to be “culled”, thus controlling the general population in the area. It is only in particular seasons that controlled hunting occurs through the year, thus requiring a game license. This can be obtained through the ‘Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation’ within the Kathmandu area. However, it must be remembered that there is a limited amount of hunting operations who are able to cater for such expeditions and so it is good to look into this beforehand.
Nonetheless, Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is also a sanctuary to some of the rarest and most endangered mammals, such as the beautiful snow leopard, Tibetan wolf, red panda and the elegant Himalayan musk deer. Alongside this is an amazing array of rare bird species. In fact, Nepal holds some of the significant populations in the entire world, showcasing its natural riches.
The Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is set on 1,325 square kilometers of rolling terrain, lying on the Southern rise of the majestic Mt. Dhaulangiri I, which stands over 8,000 meters in height, cutting into the Rukum, Myagdi and Baglung districts in the west of Nepal. As with most reserves it is not uncommon to find villagers co-inhabiting. In this particular area it is made up by two distinct groups that being people of Tibetan descent and hill tribes who supplement farming with animal and trade husbandry.
The reserve is characterized by a fusion of mixed hardwood forests which include fir, birch, rhododendron, hemlock, pine, juniper and spruce as well as one of the highest widespread populations of flora up to 36 species once again emphasizing Nepal’s natural riches.
Besides hunting, Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is a striking destination for wildlife and bird enthusiasts alike who wish to visit this isolated area

Khaptad National Park

Khaptad National Park is absolutely stunning and you can enjoy hiking and some short walks in this most captivating destination. Khaptad National Park is located in the far western region of Nepal.
Khaptad is Nepal's newest National Park. It was established in 1984 and covers an area of 225 km squared. At Khaptad National Park there is so much to see and experience as it is rich in natural beauty and is surrounded by the Api and Saipal Himalaya ranges. You will be amazed at the stunning views around you, giving you a feeling of peace.
The Khaptad National Park in Nepal offers a wonderful experience for the visitor as it represents one of the few remaining mid-mountain ecosystems in Nepal's Himalayas. There is a small tranquil lake in a marshy area called Khaptad Daha, a religious site where Hindu pilgrims come to worship. The Late Khaptad Baba spent 50 yrs mediating and worshiping here, where he lived in a cave on the eastern side of the National park. Many pilgrims came to seek his blessing and advice. Khaptad Baba became recognized as a spiritual saint. There is a festival in Nepal that celebrated every year on his behalf.
The Khaptad National Park has many species of flowers with over 135 found in the Khaptad Grasslands. One particular species is a white flower that looks like a rose but it is so poisonous that if you come up close it can be lethal. There are also many medicinal herbs to be seen.
The park also has 226 bird species, among them are Impeyan pheasants, also the national bird of Nepal, the Lophophorus, and many others. The park also provides habitat for some 20 different species of animals. The most common are leopard. A wide variety of colorful butterflies, moths and insects are also an important feature of the Khaptad ecosystem.
The Khaptad National Park also consists of mixed conifer and tall firs. There are beautiful oak trees in the park and thick strands of bamboo. The park provides good habitat and cover for the animals.
The easiest access to the Khaptan National Park is to fly to Dipayal, Chainpur, Sanfebagar or Kolti, from where it is a few days hike to the Nepalese National Park. The Khaptad National Park is a marvelous destination to visit.

Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve

The Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve first came about in 1976, when it became apparent that there was a great need to protect the beautiful but rare water buffalo, resident of the waters along the eastern border of Bangladesh. Later in 1987 it was declared a Ramsar site.
The Nepali reserve is positioned on 175 square kilometers of lavish wetland provided by the one-kilometer long barrage set along the Koshi River. An immense area of arable land surrounded by the many marshes, mudflats, lagoons and barrage contributes this vast amount of swampland to a great extent, resulting in one of the most beautiful bird sanctuaries in all of Asia. The best time to catch sightings of the immense collection of local and migratory birds along the barrage and the many river channels is during the months of October through to March.
It has to be said that one of the most exhilarating ways to explore the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve is on one of the numerous nature ‘walks’. Nothing can prepare your senses for what they experience as you make your way through the thick fragrant grasslands, by passing the many tranquil waters of the vast array of river lagoons and its many remarkable wooded forests that surround the area. As you gaze about you it is evident that the reserve seems to be protected by the majestic Himalayan peaks, which range to the fifth highest mountain in the entire world, Makalu (8,463 meters).
The Koshi Tappu Reserve is an exciting alternative to the many other wildlife sanctuaries surrounding the area such as the Royal Bardiya National Park and the Royal Chitwan National Park. It is also ideal for breaking your journey especially for those adventurous mountaineers or trekkers who are making their way or returning home from their Kanchenjunga and Arun / Makalu region in Nepal. However, it is greatly recommended that you stay at least two nights to appreciate the many wonders of the reserve.
If you are seeking to find a place to relax and enjoy nature at its best Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve is ideal. There are three main ways to access the Reserve. Arriving by air will take approximately 45 minutes from Kathmandu to Biratnagar, giving you a wonderful birds eye view of the Park. Pnce you have landed it will still take about another hours drive to the main camp site. If you should decide to go by road, you will be taken along an unusually windy road for about 500 km, from here you will have a splendid vantage point with scenic views lasting up to about 9 - 10 hours from the main point in Kathmandu. Lastly, you can choose to take an exciting 8 to 10 day trip down the Sun Koshi River, which will give you an unusual viewpoint and a direct route to Koshi Tappu Reserve.

Parsa Wildlife Reserve in Central Nepal

The uninterrupted range of the Churiya hills dominates the landscape of the Parsa Wildlife Reserve providing an interesting composition to the park as a whole. It was during the early 1980’s that a large amount of this natural reserve was established and now stands at approximately 499 square kilometers. To a great extent much of the Parsa reserve cuts into four particular areas, which includes the Parsa, Makawanpur, Chitwan and Bara districts within central Nepal. Some of the most prevalent types of flora that you will expect to find in this region lie at the base of the Churiya hills, such as the common Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii) and the silk cotton tree (Bombax ceiba), which tend to thrive along the Khair and Sissoo rivers. Not forgetting the vital sabai grass (Enlaliopsis binata), which is classified as a medicinal and aromatic plant and grown for its commercial usage.
The Parsa Wildlife Reserve's sub-tropical monsoon climate allows for a varied woodland area consisting of both tropical and subtropical forest types. However it must be noted that 90% of this vegetation is made up of shorea robusta or as it is commonly known, Sal, a tree native to the eastern parts of the Himalayas as well as other areas such as: Southern Asia, India and Bangladesh extending all the way to central India where it can be found in the Satpura and Vindhya ranges.
The Parsa reserve of Nepal supports an abundance of wildlife such as the residential wild elephant, leopard and tiger to the striped ‘laughing’ hyena, sloth bear and the mysterious wild dog, to name a few. For the avid birdwatchers there are over 300 species to be found including the endangered hornbill that can be located in certain parts of the forest patches. If you should require assistance of any type the main headquarters of the Parsa Wildlife Reserve can be found along the Hetauda-Birgunj highway at Adabar, where much of the wildlife management and scientific research also takes place.
There are four main seasons for this area. Winter lasts up to three months of the year, starting in October and ending in late December. Spring starts in January and runs all the way through to March, while the characteristically hot summer days begin in April to June. Interestingly the monsoon season is defined purely on the basis of the amount and consistent rainfall received during that period, therefore it usually begins in July and ends in September. Unfortunately erosion is a big problem here, as much of the soil comprises of gravel thus weakening its ability to hold during the rainy seasons. It is, hence, not unusual to come across heavy scaring caused by the dry stream beds and numerous gullies on the rugged hillside in Parsa Wildlife Reserve.

Explore Rara National Park

Rara National Park is so captivating it begs you to get lost for a few days in the aroma of this natural splendor. If you are looking for peace and solitude, then this is the place to come. The park was established in 1976 and is Nepal’s smallest and most scenic national Park. Rara National Park lies at an altitude of about 3000 meters and is protected by the most beautiful alpine and sub-alpine ecosystems of the Himalayas.
The pride and joy of the National Park is the tranquil Lake Rara, also known as Mahendra Tal. This Lake has a lovely oval shape and is the biggest lake in Nepal. The Rara Lake is surrounded by rich forest hills and take note of the thickly forested hillsides and the snow-capped peaks around it. Some other summits in the park that may interest you are Ruma Kand and Malika Kand situated to the north of the lake. Rara National Park is also near the Karnali River one of the three main rivers of Nepal. The snow trout is the only fish seen in these lakes.
The Rara National park is inhabited by many beautiful animals like the red panda, black bear, yellow throated martin and musk deer. Also seen are the leopard and the wolf. The lake attracts some of the most stunning birds for all you bird lovers out there. Also, here at Rara National Park, there are more than 500 different kinds of colorful flowers on display. At the Rara National park you will be able to view all the beautiful trees to name a few the pine trees the black junipers and the Himalayan cypress also oak trees are found. The easiest way to get to Rara National park is by flying to Jumla or Kolti from Kathmandu via Nepalgunj, followed by a three-day hike to the park office at Hutu. Summer is pleasant and the best time of year to visit the park is September to October and April to May. December through March, the temperatures drop to below freezing and heavy snowfalls do occur, closing high passes. So waste no time - come and visit this amazing place!

Discover the natural wonders of the Royal Bardia National Park in Nepal

The Royal Bardia National Park is the largest and most peaceful place in Nepal. Situated in the Terai valley, it covers an area of approximately 968 sq. km. The park swas established to protect representative ecosystems, as well as to protect tigers and their prey species, and is protected by the board of wildlife in Nepal.
The Royal Bardiya Park was established in 1969 as a Royal Hunting Reserve. And in 1976 it was gazetted as the Karnali Wildlife Reserve. When this area was protected, about 1500 people of the Babai valley were resettled outside the park allowing the flora and fauna to thrive. In 1982 it was renamed as The Royal Bardia National Park, and in 1984 it was extended to its current size.
The reserve was given the status of a National Park in 1988. Greater One-horned Rhinoceros were translocated from Royal Chitwan National Park in 1986, 1991, and 1999. In 1997, an area of 327 sq. km surrounding the park was declared as a buffer zone which consists of forests and private lands. The buffer zone is jointly managed by the park and local communities. Together they began community development activities and managed natural resources in the buffer zones.
The National Park in Nepal is about a four-hour drive from the town of Nepalgunj which is connected to the Kathmandu. The quickest way to get there is to fly from Kathmandu to Nepalganj where the lodge staff will meet you for the 2-hour drive to camp.
At Bardia National Park there are more than 30 different mammals and endangered animals. You will be able to see the tiger, rhinoceros, wild elephant, and the black buck. Also found at the National Park are over 300 species of reptiles and fish including crocodile and dolphin. The Park is a bird watcher’s paradise that displays many beautiful and colorful endangered species of birds including migratory birds. You will see the Bengal florican, silver-eared mesia and the Sarus crane.
A massive percentage of the national Park comes to life with the many stunning trees with a mixture of beautiful lush forest with grasslands. About 70% of the forest consists of sal trees with a mixture of grassland and riverine forest. Sal leaves are used in celebrations and religious offerings. Walking in these surroundings is amazing. Other common animals found in the park include the leopard and lesser cat. You will be amazed at how much there is to see in the Bardia National Park. There are also several interesting animals roaming about such as deer, monkeys, and bears. What an ideal park to visit for game viewing.
The Royal Bardia National Park has three different seasons, each one giving an exclusive experience. From October to early April the weather is dry. The days are hot, and the nights are cool and enjoyable. From April through June the temperature warms up, and peaks at about 45 degrees Celsius in May. The hot sticky days give way to the monsoon rains that last until September.
Come and experience Bardia National park’s warm hospitality. There are lovely lodges in the park as well as wildlife tours of three or more days. Inclusive of accommodation you will receive meals and wildlife activities.
To experience Bardia National Park a two-night stay over would be great, but staying an extra day is worthwhile. The lodge operates round the year except during the Monsoon season of June - September when most lodges are closed. You may choose to be accompanied by the resident naturalists and guides on excursions such as the elephant-back safaris, canoe rides, jungle walks, bird-watching tours, and jeep drives.
So come and explore and have fun with the whole family.